Academic Consultation

Academic Consultation

Regular price $115.00
Unit price  per 

So, you've just decided that you want to pursue dental school? Let's meet to lay out your academics and pre-requisites needed to gain admission into dental school. 

"But my GPA isn't good enough..." Let's meet to discuss Master's level programs to prepare you for the rigor of dental school.

1 hour session

*Please note that there will be an additional charge of $1 for every minute exceeding the allotted time slot. 

What do I need to prepare for my academic consultation?

Be sure to have the following documentation and information ready and available for review prior to session:

All college transcripts (unofficial transcripts will suffice)

Anticipated matriculation year *this will help me tailor your preparation to your plans*

Upon successful payment, you will receive email correspondence within 24 hours to secure appointment time and date.