Call me the lit student dentist “LitDent” 🦷 🪥 lol jk jk but no fr.
I had to take a lil trippy trip to get my mind right. I just wanted to show y’all how I find peace.
Remember to try to relax and not experience burnout like I did my last semester of undergrad. 🥵
I had found out I was graduating early *23 credit hrs that semester*, completed summer school every semester since enrolling in 2016, military duty back and forth from my duty station, my Gma moved in with me, extracurriculars/volunteering, plus the aadsas application‼️ Yall, it hit me all at once. I’m sitting in Physical Chemistry with Dr. Huang *she’s a real educator, she’s awesome 🤩 * and I just got extremely TIRED! Eyes could barely stay open and all. I realized I needed to cool it on down real quick lol. I still have been moving a lot but my support system reminds me to take care of my MENTAL HEALTH first 🤙🏽
My sister, @queenprincesskym being a psychology major in her undergrad studies and clinical mental health major in her masters level grad studies has taught me the IMPORTANCE OF MENTAL HEALTH OMG, I need to make a post! Y’all, this is deeper than deep‼️
Burnout, burn•out: noun, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.
How to prevent Burnout Syndrome:
1. Exercise
2. Practice good sleeping habits
3. Do what makes you feel happy
4. Eat a balanced diet *I have to work on this myself 🥲
It’s okay to ask for help and let people know what you have going on! 9 times out of 10, people are always willing to help if you reach out ✨🤩🤗
#predentingwpk #futuredentist #blackstudentdentist #predentsmatter #predental
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